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InfraCal 2
The Infracal 2 analyser (InfraCal 2) is the ideal choice for fast analysis of oils and greases in various environmental and waste waters and soil. The instrument is portable and easy to use.
Product Overview
The InfraCal 2 infrared analyser is designed for quick, easy and accurate determination of oil and grease or petroleum hydrocarbons in water and soil. The two models, InfraCal ATR and InfraCal Trans, are rugged and portable with no moving parts and with the portable design and touch screen display, are perfect for on-site testing, providing results in under 15 minutes.
Features & Benefits

EPA Compliant
Correlates to EPA Method 1664
High Sensitivity
Detects as low as 0.1ppm
Touch Screen Display Prevention Interface
Key applications of InfraCal 2
- InfraCal 2 ATR-SP correlates to EPA Method 1664 Method compares to EPA 1164 & ISO 9377-2
- InfraCal 2 Trans-SP method complies with: ASTM D7066, EPA 413.2, EPA 418.1; method compares with EPA 1664, ISO 9377-2
- Versatility in Testing: Suitable for offshore oil in water measurements and industrial wastewater effulents .
- High Sensitivity: Minimum detection limit of .0.1 ppm in water and 1 ppm in soil.
- Rapid Analysis: Delivers results in 10-15 minutes, streamlining the testing process.
- User-Friendly Design: Features a touch screen display for ease of use and portability.
InfraCal 2 Product Videos
About the InfraCal 2 ATR-SP
The InfraCal 2 Oil in Water Analysers can quickly and accurately measure TOG (total oil & grease), FOG (fats, oil and grease) and TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbons) in produced water, industrial wastewater and soil.
InfraCal 2 Analysers are widely used for testing industrial wastewater/effluent to ensure consent levels are not breached prior to discharge.
Additionally, they have become the petrochemical industry standard ensuring oil content levels in produced water, drill cuttings or soil are below the regulated limit.
As well as environmental applications, the InfraCal can be used for other methods too:
- Checking oil/water separation systems
- Measuring oil in drilling mud/cuttings
- Determining the purity level of reclaimed solvents
- Testing for residual oil on pre-cleaned metal components
Sample preparation involves a simple 5 stage extraction procedure that uses up to 90% less solvent than standard laboratory tests:
- Collect known amount of sample (100mls is typically used)
- Add solvent at the appropriate ratio
- Mix for 2 minutes
- Allow the two layers to separate
- Filter if necessary (or add salt to remove the emulsion)
- Introduce the solvent layer to the instrument
Standard features of the InfraCal 2:
MEASUREMENT RANGE: The InfraCal 2 can measure values from sub-ppm to 15%. This flexibility allows the instrument to cover a wide variety of applications.
MULTIPLE CALIBRATIONS: The InfraCal 2 can store multiple calibrations including custom calibrations added by the user. Each calibration can be individually adjusted allowing the user to tune the instrument in order to receive even more accurate results. The dilution ration can also be added to the calibration to automatically provide the correct result.
LIMITED GLASSWARE REQUIRED: Since the InfraCal 2 uses a simplified extraction procedure, it does not require as much glassware as standard laboratory methods.
FAST RESULTS: The InfraCal 2 can provide results in under 15 minutes, including extraction. This allows users to make decisions based on the results immediately rather than having to wait for results from a lab.
MULTIPLE SOLVENT CHOICES: Dependent upon the InfraCal model chosen, the user has a choice of solvents.
TOUCHSCREEN DISPLAY: The touchscreen display ensures a simpler user experience.
INTERNAL DATA STORAGE VIA USB EXPORT: The InfraCal 2 can store up to 2000 results internally allow the user to look up historical data without having to manually write down results. The data can be easily exported to an external USB drive as a CSV file.
INTERNAL BATTERY: An internal battery allows the user to run the instrument in locations without power, for up to 6 hours.

InfraCal ATR-SP
The ATR-SP model is the most common model for environmental and waste water analysis. Like EPA 1664, the ATR-SP uses hexane as the extraction solvent and an evaporation step during the measurement process, making it an ideal solution for customers trying to get comparable results to the traditional oils and greases methods.
- Uses a variety of solvents such as hexane, pentane and cyclohexane that are inexpensive and easily obtained
- ATR crystal is robust and is easily maintained with proper cleaning
- Measurement range can extend up to 15%
InfraCal Trans-SP
The TRANS-SP uses the traditional IR transmission method for measuring oil in water/soil with a cuvette for the sample.
Since the TRANS-SP does not rely on an evaporation there is no loss of volatile material during measurement which is why the TRANS-SP was used for developing ASTM D7066.
- Measures both volatile and non-volatile hydrocarbons
- No evaporation required
- Used to develop ASTM D7066
- Strongly correlates with other regulatory methods
- Uses a variety of solvents, some of which are non-toxic and environmentally friendly; perchloroethylene, S-316, Freon-113

Product Specifications
Item | Specifications |
Analytical Wavelength/Wave Number | 3.4 µm, 2930 cm-1 |
Power Requirements | 18 volts DC, 3.3 amps, internal battery pack |
Power Supply | Universal AC/DC provided |
Weight | 5.8 lb. (2.6 kg) with battery -7.0 lbs (3.2 kg) |
Dimensions | (17 cm) x 7.8″ (19.8 cm) x 5.2″ (13.2 cm) |
Suggested Operating Range | 5°C – 40°C |
Measurement Range | |
For Water | 0.3-2000+ ppm |
For Soil | 3-2000+ ppm |
Analysis Time | 10-15 minutes, including extraction process |
Instrument Repeatability | ±0.3 ppm |
Communication Port | USB |
"The InfraCal 2 ATR-SP is an advanced analyser for quick
and accurate hydrocarbon measurement in water and soil."
Product FAQ's
The InfraCal 2 ATR-SP has a minimum detection limit of 0.3 ppm for oil in water and 3 ppm for oil in soil. The InfraCal Trans has a detection limit of 0.2ppm in water and 2ppm in soil.
The InfraCal 2 ATR-SP can be calibrated to measure up to 15% oil in water or soil. The InfraCal 2 TRANS-SP can be calibrated to measure up to 2000 ppm oil in water or soil.
A calibration lasts between one year and several years depending on frequency of use and environment. We recommend that you perform an annual calibration verification and recalibrating when necessary.
You can wait several days after sample collection before measuring the sample however if the sample is not to be measured within a few hours, it MUST be acidified to a pH of 2 using Hydrochloric or Sulfuric Acid.
No. We recommend keeping the InfraCal 2 clean and dry. A plastic dust cover is supplied with the instrument.
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